g) Surface Cleaning and Micro-Structuring with Lasers
Previous studies have shown that excimer lasers are efficient and safe tools to remove securely
and controlled layers of a certain thickness from the surface of icons and paintings.
Excimer lasers offer significant advantages for sur-
face cleaning processes, because their short wave-
lengths (e.g. 248 nm) can be focused to a smaller spot
size than visible or infrared light.
With each pulse the UV light can remove quite pre-
cisely about 0.2 µm of dirty material . In comparison:
A human hair is about 50 - 100 µm thick.
And for some applications even more important (different to some other laser types), excimer
lasers do not release greater fractions of heat, which could cause thermal damage to surroun-
ding material. These attributes make excimer lasers well-suited for cleaning sensitive surfaces
like pigment lacquer, finishing varnish or art paintings, but also for manufacturing of all-poly-
mer electronic components.
Excimer Laser Scanning Device for Sensitive Surface Cleaning
Automated, non-polluting cleaning devices are of rapidly growing interest in science and in-
dustry. Particularly laser cleaning units avoiding wet chemical reactions and by this significantly
reducing environmental contamination, have proven successfully and have found many new
Most of these laser cleaning units are designed
to completely remove the top layer of a surface
or the surface itself, e.g., removing paint as a
preparatory step for a new sealing of the sur-
face (see aeroplane or car industry). In these
cases it is important to make sure, that no re-
maining lacquer is left.
Likewise this applies to the cleaning of stone
facades, antiques or other objects suffering
from dust and environmental impacts. The statue at the left was completely black like the base.
Lasers, however, offer additional significant advantages compared to conventional cleaning me-
So, soft and sensitive surfaces like paint or plastics may be treated to ablate a few micro-
meters of the upper layer together with some adherent impurities without destroying the
protecting function of the layer or the underlying structure.
In semiconductor epitaxi or optical coating fabrication substrates can be irradiated to re-
move monolayers of water or oxygen from the surface even under ultrahigh vacuum condi-
Toxic chemicals or hazardous bacteria sticking at the surface can be cracked and vaporized
to sterilize instruments.
Lasers can be used to decontaminate some equipment which was radioactively conta-
We developed a laser cleaning unit desig-
ned for an automated processing and
cleaning of contaminated samples.
Particularly dust, chemicals or radioactive
isotopes sticking at varnish, lacquer or
plastic sealing are removed together with
a few µm thin film of the surface without
destroying the sealing itself.
While for complete removal of a sealing it
may be favorable when the laser radiation
penetrates into deeper layers and causes
some depth effect, ablation of only a thin film requires deposition of the laser energy into the
top layer of the surface. This is best realized with lasers operating in the UV, where paint and
plastics show significantly increasing absorption. Therefore, we are working with a KrF-excimer
The key element of the cleaning device is a
beam forming and scanning unit. To improve
the laser beam quality for homogeneous irra-
diation of samples, a beam homogenizer was
developed which forms a rectangular cross se-
ction with top-hat beam profile. The beam is
focused down to 2x2 mm
and directed across
the polluted surface by a beam scanner which uses two galvo mirrors.
The scanning rate and by this the deflection of the beam is adapted to the pulse repetition rate
(up to 1 kHz) and therefore allows an extremely fast automated processing.
An accurately controlled beam positioning together with the top-hat profile ensures a very ho-
mogeneous, uniform and reliable irradiation of each surface element with an almost identical
laser fluence.
Our investigations with this set-up show, that
after optimizing the relevant laser parameters
like pulse energy, peak intensity, laser repeti-
tion rate, number of pulses and beam profile,
an efficient cleaning without damage of the
surface is obtained. A computer controlled
operation of the system guarantees the uni-
form and continuous cleaning as well as a
comfortable handling. The unit is equipped
with an adapted suction nozzle to dispose the
detached particles from the surface.
To quantify the cleaning efficiency and to proof the applicability of laser cleaning even for radio-
actively contaminated samples varnished plastic plates were prepared, contaminated with
at the surface.
Eu is favorably used as contaminating test material, since under normal con-
ditions it is not radioactive but can be activated well-aimed by neutron radiation to a metastable
configuration with a half-life of 9.5 h. Therefore, any handling of the plates during preparation
and cleaning can be done without danger of radioactivity.
The laser cleaning efficiency is determined by measuring the radioactivity of the plates before
and after laser irradiation. We found that with a fluence of 1 J/cm² only one or two pulses per
position are necessary to bring the initial contamination level down to less than 5%.
The same set-up can also be used for cleaning of art paintings and restoration of antiques. The
scanner unit directs the excimer laser radiation onto the painting and sweeps the beam across
an area of 6x10 cm². For processing of larger
areas the painting can be shifted automati-
cally by stepper motor controlled displace
This figure shows an oil painting as test ob-
ject irradiated with different concentrations
(pulses per position). It demonstrates the well
controllable, homogeneous treatment and the
efficiency of excimer laser cleaning of art ob-
jects. It results in an appealing and bright
appearance of the processed area and shows
the suspicious potential for future excimer
laser cleaning applications.
Doctoral Theses
B. Warm
Einsatz Adaptiver Optik zur Formung von Laserstrahlen
School of Electrical Engineering, Helmut-Schmidt-Uiversity, Hamburg 1994
R. Meixner
Herstellung und Charakterisierung wellenlängenselektiver organischer Feldeffekttransistoren
School of Electrical Engineering, Helmut-Schmidt-Uiversity, Hamburg 2007
K.-H. Steglich
Reinigung und Strukturierung empfindlicher Oberflächen mittels Excimerlaserstrahlung
- Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Applikationsgerätes -
School of Electrical Engineering, Helmut-Schmidt-Uiversity, Hamburg 2008
Refereed Publications in Journals and Conference Digests
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Laser Cleaning of Radioactively Contaminated Surfaces
Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics Europe 1998, IEEE Catalog No. 98TH8326,
ISBN: 0-7803-4233, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, p. 24 (1998)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Laser Scanner for Cleaning of Sensitive Surfaces
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/EUROPE 2000), IEEE Conference Digest, CWF 57,
Cat. No. 00TH8505, ISBN: 0-7803-6319-3, Nice, France, p. 215 (2000)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Sensitive Surface Cleaning using an Excimer Laser Scanner
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2001), Technical Digest, CTuT 7, Cat. No. 01CH37170,
ISBN: 1-55752-676-1, Baltimore, MD, USA, CTuT 7, p. 233 (2001)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Sensitive Surface Cleaning Using an Excimer Laser Scanner
Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies (IQEC/LAT 2002),
Technical Digest, LMF 45, Moscow, Russia, p. 283 (2002)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Automated Surface Cleaning with an Excimer Laser
Conference on Laser-assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies (ILATA-III 2003/LAM-X),
Technical Digest, PSII-1, 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, p. 38 (2003)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Rapid Excimer Laser Cleaning of Plane Objects
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/EUROPE 2003), Conference Digest (CD-ROM,
Volume 27E), CK5W, ISBN 2-914771-15-0, Munich, Germany, p. 106 (2003)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Art Cleaning by Excimer Lasers
Eurolaser 1/2004, Verlagsgesellschaft Grütter GmbH & Co. KG, Coburg, ISSN: 1430-8274 (2004)
P.H. Thiesen, R. Meier, T. Fedorkova, K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde, B. Niemeyer
Die Bestimmung der Dicke laserbehandelter Polymerfilme mittels Ellipsometrie
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2004, 76 No.9, Wiley-VCH, ISSN 0009-286X, p. 1385 (2004)
P.H. Thiesen, R. Meier, T. Fedorkova, K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde, B. Niemeyer
The Thickness of a Modified Polymere Film - An Ellipsometric Study
12. Wolfgang-Ostwald-Kolloquium, Kiel (2004)
R. Meixner, R. Wille, P. Schertling, H. Goebel, H. Harde, K.-H. Steglich, F.A. Yildirim, W. Bauhofer,
W. Krautschneider
Bottom Gate Organic Field Effect Transistors Made by Laser Structuring
Organic Electronics 7, pp. 586–591 (2006)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Oberflächenreinigung mit Lasern
Uniforschung, Forschungsmagazin der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg, 14. Jahrgang, S. 12-15 (2004),
ISSN: 0940-8061
Contributions on National Conferences and Meetings
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Reinigung kontaminierter Oberflächen mit Hilfe eines Excimer-Lasers
Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Sektion Kurzzeitphysik, Bayreuth, 10. März 1998,
Verhandl. DPG (VI) 33, 305 (1998)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Excimer-Applikationsverfahren zur sensitiven Reinigung radioaktiv kontaminierter Oberflächen
Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Fachverband Kurzzeitphysik, Heidelberg, 18. März 1999,
Verhandl. DPG (VI) 34, K 7.6, 288 (1999)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Reinigung radioaktiv kontaminierter empfindlicher Oberflächen mittels eines Excimer-Lasers
Poster Norddeutsches Laserkolloquium 1998, Hannover, 9. Dezember 1999
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Excimer-Laser-Scanner zur sensitiven Reinigung radioaktiv kontaminierter Oberflächen
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Fachverband Kurzzeitphysik,
Bonn, 6. April 2000, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 35, D3 (2000)
K.-H. Steglich, H. Harde
Excimer-Laser-Scanner zur Reinigung empfindlicher Oberflächen
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Fachverband Kurzzeitphysik,
Bochum, 18.-21. März 2002, Verhandl. DPG (VI) 37, D3 (2002)