b) Climate Sensitivity
Although in recent years great progress has been achieved in climate sciences, explanations of
the observed global warming over the last century, in particular the anthropogenic contribu-
tions to this warming are still quite contradictorily discussed. So, calculations of the equilibri-
um climate sensitivity (ECS) as a key parameter and measure for the Earth's temperature in-
crease at doubled CO
concentration in the atmosphere diverge by more than a factor of 20
starting at about 0.4°C and ending at more than 8°C. The previous assessment report AR5 [1]
of the IPCC specified this quantity only within a wider range of 1.5°C to 4.5°C without a best
estimate, while in the last report AR6 [2] a narrower range from 2.5°C to 4°C (high confidence)
with a best estimate of 3°C is presented.
At the same time classifies the IPCC the human influence on our climate as extremely likely to
be the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.
Since the ECS is one of the most important measures for climate predictions, it is necessary to
understand and to discover the large discrepancies between different accounting schemes ap-
plied for this quantity.
Spectral Calculations
Therefore, it seemed appropriate to retrace the main steps of the IPCC's preferred accounting
scheme and to compare this with own studies, which are based on extensive spectral calcula-
tions for the short wave (sw)
absorptivity a
of the solar
intensity I
in the atmosphere,
the long wave (lw) absorpti-
vity a
of the terrestrial in-
tensity I
and the re-emitted
power P
of the atmosphere
by GH-gases with a fraction f
in downward and 1-f
in up-
ward direction (Harde 2011
[3]; 2013 [4]; 2014 [5]; 2017 [6]; 2019 [7]).
These calculations were performed with almost 900,000 lines of the GH-gases CO
, water va-
por, methane and ozone, this for 228 sublayers of the atmosphere accounting for the total
and partial pressure changes of the gases and the lapse rate, this for 14 different CO
trations, different cloud covers and three climate zones.
Radiative Forcing and Absorptivities
The transmission spectra and the spectral absorptivities for the sw and lw radiation show
strong saturation over the path lengths and a significant overlap of the CO
lines with water
vapor. Both effects contribute to fast saturation of the absorptivities with increasing CO
concentration, which can well be approximated by logarithmic graphs.
From these calculations we derive the radiative forcing DF
as important parameter for the
ECS-calculation. It specifies the reduced upwelling lw radiation at the top of the atmosphere
(TOA) at doubled CO
concentration in the atmosphere. As the absorptivities and thus the ra-
diative forcing are ascending almost logarithmically with increasing CO
concentration, it
makes no bigger difference to calculate a CO
doubling from 280 to 560 ppm or from 380 to
760 ppm.
Advanced Two-Layer Climate Model
Instead considering the radiative forcing at doubled CO
concentration an even improved de-
scription and characterization of EASy to GHG changes can be derived from the primary quan-
tities a
, a
and f
, which are used as the key parameters in our advanced two-layer climate
model (Harde 2014 [5]; 2017 [6]) to determine the ECS-value as temperature increase at
doubled CO
. This two-layer climate model is especially appropriate to simulate the influence
of increasing CO
concentrations on global warming as well as the impact of solar variations
on the climate.
It describes the atmosphere and the ground as two layers acting simultaneously as absorbers
and Planck radiators, and it includes additional heat transfer between these layers due to con-
vection and evaporation. The model also considers sw and lw scattering processes at the at-
mosphere and at clouds as well as all common feedback processes like water vapor, lapse rate
and albedo feedback, but additionally takes into account temperature dependent sensible and
latent heat fluxes as well as a temperature induced and solar induced cloud cover feedback.
This model is implemented on a Visual-Pascal-Platform (PhysCal) which runs under Win-
dows (see screen shot). It solves the energy- and radiation-balance at the Earth’s surface and at
TOA and from this calculates and plots the Earth’s surface temperature T
(red graph) and the
lower tropospheric temperature T
(blue graph) as a function of the CO
concentration. The
difference of T
(760 ppm) - T
(380 ppm) gives directly the ECS, in this case 0.7°C (left display).
Such simulations reproduce the basic ECS-value (without feedback processes), as specified by
the IPCC, within a few %. Significant differences, however, are observed with the different
feedback effects included. While the lapse rate and albedo influence were adopted from
literature, the water vapor feedback is derived from the sw and lw absorptivity calculations
performed for three climate zones with different surface temperatures and humidity. These
calculations give a positive feedback with an increase of not more than 14 % (Harde 2017 [6]),
whereas in AR5 [1] the IPCC emanates from an incline of 100% and in AR6 [2] even from 122%,
which after all is 9x larger than our result.
Since our calculations indicate that with increasing CO
concentration the air temperature is
less rapidly increasing than the surface temperature, the sensible heat flux at the bound of
both layers rises with the concentration. As a consequence more thermal energy is transferred
from the surface to the atmosphere. Similarly, with increasing surface temperature also eva-
poration and precipitation are increasing with the ground temperature. Both these effects con-
tribute to negative feedback and are additionally included in the simulations. While the respec-
tive contribution due to sensible heat rapidly declines with increasing cloudiness, evaporation
feedback with an attenuation of 44 % is the primary stabilizer of the whole climate system. All
the more it is surprising, that the IPCC obviously did not consider this important effect in AR6.
A special situation is found for the influence of clouds on the radiation and energy budget.
From global cloud observations within the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
(ISCCP) over a period of 27 years it is de-
duced that the global mean temperature is
increasing with decreasing cloud cover.
However, it is not clear, if a lower cloud
cover is the consequence of the increasing
temperature, or if the cloud cover is in-
fluenced and at least to some degree con-
trolled by some other mechanism, particu-
larly solar activities. In the first case a strong amplifying Temperature Induced Cloud Feedback
(TICF) had to be considered, this for the climate sensitivity ECS as well as for a respective solar
sensitivity SS (surface temperature response to a solar anomaly of 0.1 %), whereas in the other
case TICF would not exist for both sensitivities and only a Solar Induced Cloud Feedback (SICF)
had to be included.
Model Simulations for CO
- and Solar Influence
A deliberate approach which mechanism really controls the cloud cover, is derived from model
simulations, which additionally include the solar effect and compare this with the measured
temperature increase over the last century. These simulations show that the observed global
warming can best be explained, when a temperature feedback on clouds only has a minor
influence (less than 10 %). Otherwise the calculated warming would be larger than observed,
or TICF would have been overestimated.
With a solar anomaly of 0.26 % over the last century and dominating SICF we deduce a CO
climate sensitivity of ECS = 0.7°C and a solar sensitivity of ESS = 0.17°C. The increase in the
Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) over 100 years together with the dominating SICF then contributes
to a warming of 0.47°C (64 %) and the 100 ppm increase of CO
over this period causes addi-
tional 0.27°C (36 %) in good agreement with the measured warming and cloud cover.
Altogether, we find that the positive feedbacks, originating from clouds, water vapor and albe-
do are even overcompensated by lapse rate and evaporation feedback. Particularly clouds
have two stronger opposing effects on the energy balance, which can neutralize each other or
even have an overall attenuating impact on the ECS, dependent on the mechanisms respon-
sible for cloud changes.
From these studies we conclude, that all constraints can best be explained by a cloud feedback
mechanism, which is dominated by the solar influence, while thermally induced contributions
only should have minor influence. But even for the worst case assuming maximum TICF and a
larger global warming over the last century than observed, the ECS would not exceed 1.2°C.
For our more detailed investigations considering the simultaneous impact of CO
and solar
forcing on global warming and a direct comparison of the calculations with observations over
the last 150 years, see: e) Solar Influence
References and Publications
Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013, The Physical Science Basis,
Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change [T. F. Stocker, D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner et al. (Eds.)], Cambridge University Press, New York, NY,
2014, https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/
Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the IPCC, 2021: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis,
Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change [Masson-Delmotte, V. et al. (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press.
H. Harde, 2011: Was trägt CO
wirklich zur globalen Erwärmung bei? Spektroskopische Untersuchungen
und Modellrechnungen zum Einfluss von H
, CH
und O
auf unser Klima, Books on Demand,
Norderstedt 2011, ISBN: 9 783842 371576.
H. Harde, 2013: Radiation and Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere: A Comprehensive Approach on a
Molecular Basis, International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (Open Access), vol. 2013,
H. Harde, 2014: Advanced two-layer climate model for the assessment of global warming by CO
, Open
Journal of Atmospheric and Climate Change, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1–50, 2014, ISSN (Print): 2374-3794,
ISSN (Online): 2374-3808
H. Harde, 2017: Radiation Transfer Calculations and Assessment of Global Warming by CO
, International
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 2017, Article ID 9251034, pp. 1-30,
H. Harde, 2019: Wie schädlich ist CO
wirklich für unser Klima? Contribution on EIKE-Blog, 15. 02. 2019,
Download as PDF-File, in German
H. Harde, How much CO
really contributes to global warming? Spectroscopic studies and modelling of the
influence of H
and CH
on our climate, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-4505-1,
2011 , EGU General Assembly 2011.
H. Harde, Was trägt CO
wirklich zur globalen Erwärmung bei? Talk on Symposium "Energie und Klima -
Ein Blick in die Zukunft", University Erlangen-Nürnberg together with VDI/VDE, November 2012.
Download contributions under: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-fau/frontdoor/index/index/docId/3718.
H. Harde, How much CO
and also the Sun contribute to global warming, Conference on 'Basic Science of
a Changing Climate', 7.- 8. September 2018, Porto, Portugal.
H. Harde, Was tragen CO
und die Sonne zur globalen Erwärmung bei? 12th International EIKE Klima- und
Energiekonferenz, and 13th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-13), Munich,
23. a. 24. November, 2018,
12. IKEK am 23. und 24.11.18 Hermann Harde – Wieviel tragen CO2 und die Sonne zur globalen
Erwärmung bei?
Physics & Climate